Custom Metric#

Ragrank allows to create custom metrics as you wish. You can inherit the class CustomMetric and you have to write these 3 methods

  • metric_name() -> str: Have to return the name of your metric

  • metric_score(data: DataNode) -> float: It will get a datanode and have to return the score.

  • _reason(data:DataNode, score:float) -> str: This is optional. You will get the data and score. Have to return the reason for it as string

configure the metric

from ragrank.dataset.base import DataNode
from ragrank.metric import CustomMetric

class MyMetric(CustomMetric):
    def metric_score(self, data: DataNode) -> float:
        prompt = f"give a random performance number for this datapoint \n\n{data.model_dump()}"
        prompt += "you only have to give a number between 0 to 1. don't need any explaination. the response shold be a number"
        llm_response = self.llm.generate_text(prompt)
            return float(llm_response.response)
            return 0.0
    def metric_name(self) -> str:
        return "my metric"
my_metric = MyMetric()

evaluation using the my_metric

from ragrank import evaluate
from ragrank.dataset import DataNode

data = DataNode(
    question="What is the tallest mountain in the world?",
        "Mount Everest is the tallest mountain above sea level.",
        "It is located in the Himalayas.",
    response="The tallest mountain in the world is Mount Everest.",

result = evaluate(
    data ,
